Monday, 2 July 2012


I think its fair to say that no body is perfect however the hardest imperfection to deal with is our own. It is easier to neglect those that are honest with you. True honesty is hard. The truth is you will never want to hear what a friend has to tell you, and we can find ourselves "shooting the messenger" per say. When in fact we should be grateful that a friend is brave enough and loyal enough to tell us the truth, not only about others but about ourselves.

You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. - Mathew 7:5 

Its not easy to admit our own faults. Its even harder to try and change them. We would far rather run away from the honesty of our friends than face it directly, because if we stay we must suffer the consequences of consistent reminders of guilt. The understanding of hope, that is found in forgiveness is essential to a journey of change. The hardest step in changing, is forgiving yourself.

But your mistakes do not define you, nor should your past!

So it is time to wave the white flag, admit your part and say that with sincerity, you're sorry. Only then can you start the somewhat difficult journey of change, because I am a firm believer that: 

It is never too late, to be better. 

Those that know everything about us and still choose to love us, are precious and should be gratefully treasured for a life time.

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